First Vehicles With Next-Generation Apple CarPlay Announced Ahead of 2024 Launch

Aston Martin and Porsche today previewed the first vehicle dashboards with support for Apple's next-generation CarPlay experience, which launches in 2024, according to a Car and Driver report spotted by Bloomberg's Mark Gurman.

next generation carplay multi display
Aston Martin confirmed that it will release its first vehicles with next-generation CarPlay in 2024, including an updated DB12 sports car, but it's unclear exactly when in the year this will happen. Porsche did not provide a timeframe or reveal any specific details.

Apple first previewed the next-generation CarPlay experience in June 2022, promising deeper integration with the instrument cluster and climate controls, support for multiple displays across the dashboard, a dedicated FM radio app, widgets, and more.

The next-generation CarPlay interface can be tailored to each specific vehicle model and automaker's brand identity, as pictured below.

Aston Martin previewed CarPlay integration with the instrument cluster and climate controls:
Next Generation CarPlay Aston MartinNext Generation CarPlay Aston Martin 2

Porsche showed off a custom elongated CarPlay interface on the central screen, along with widgets for apps like Calendar, Music, and Weather on a second display:
Next Generation CarPlay Porsche 1Next Generation CarPlay Porsche 2
With next-generation CarPlay, a connected iPhone will provide app-related data, while the vehicle will provide driving-specific data and info like tire pressure. Apple said the connected iPhone will not store or track this vehicle information.

When first unveiling next-generation CarPlay last year, Apple said committed automakers included Acura, Audi, Ford, Honda, Infiniti, Jaguar, Land Rover, Lincoln, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Polestar, Porsche, Renault, and Volvo. Beyond the addition of Aston Martin, it's unclear if this list has changed since that initial announcement.

Below, we have recapped five key features to expect from next-generation CarPlay, as previewed by Apple last year.

Instrument Cluster Integration

Multi Display CarPlay 2
The new CarPlay experience will provide integration with a vehicle's instrument cluster, including the speedometer, tachometer, odometer, fuel gauge, engine temperature gauge, oil pressure gauge, and more. Apple says drivers will be able to choose from several gauge cluster designs and layouts, including brand‑specific options.

Climate Controls

CarPlay Next Generation Screen
You'll be able to access your vehicle's climate controls directly within the new version of CarPlay, allowing you to adjust the temperature of the A/C or heat, fan speed, heated seats, heated steering wheel, and other options.

Multi-Display Support

CarPlay Next Generation Multi Screens
The new version of CarPlay will be able to appear across all of the displays in a vehicle, providing a consistent experience across the infotainment system, instrument cluster, and any additional screens on the dashboard. Apple says CarPlay will be tailored to each new vehicle model to accommodate unique screen shapes and layouts.


CarPlay Next Generation Widgets
Widgets will be a key part of the new CarPlay experience, offering at-a-glance information such as trip duration, fuel economy, distance traveled, calendar events, weather, phone calls, the status of a HomeKit-enabled garage door, and more. It will also be possible to view and scroll through the widgets within the instrument cluster.

FM Radio App

CarPlay Next Generation Radio
The new version of CarPlay will include an all-new Radio app that allows you to easily control the FM radio in your vehicle, such as to change the station.

Related Roundup: CarPlay

Top Rated Comments

MallardDuck Avatar
1 week ago
i don't mind touch screens for the radio and navigation, but for car controls, nothing beats knobs and buttons that you don't have to look at to use.
Score: 62 Votes (Like | Disagree)
iLuddite Avatar
1 week ago
GM getting left in the dust ?
Score: 21 Votes (Like | Disagree)
scheinderrob Avatar
1 week ago
way better than tesla's junky, buggy software. can't wait to throw it away and get a porsche.
Score: 18 Votes (Like | Disagree)
iLuddite Avatar
1 week ago

And just like that, I moved on from Tesla and I'm now looking at Porsche as my first EV. That 2024 Macan EV looks like a winner. ?
I’m not a driver but I’d take a Porsche over a Tesla any day of the week.
Score: 16 Votes (Like | Disagree)
CloneBB Avatar
1 week ago

Aren’t they ditching Apple too?
GM is, not Ford.
Score: 13 Votes (Like | Disagree)
erikkfi Avatar
1 week ago
Having a screen that shows my calendar of upcoming work events in my car is my own personal version of hell. Why is all this needed?
Score: 11 Votes (Like | Disagree)

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