The MacRumors Show: Rene Ritchie Talks Mac Studio Performance and Studio Display Controversy

Acclaimed Apple content creator Rene Ritchie joins us on The MacRumors Show podcast this week to reflect on the all-new Mac Studio and Studio Display now that users have had a chance to spend some time with the machines.

The eighth episode of The MacRumors Show takes a look at the ‌Mac Studio‌ and Studio Display's real-world performance, ports, and pricing, as we try to get to the bottom of exactly who these devices are meant for. We also take a closer look at the mixed to negative reaction to the Studio Display and discuss whether it is justified, and cast an eye toward what could be next for Apple silicon Macs and Apple external displays.

We were glad to be joined by Rene Ritchie, the prolific YouTuber, podcaster, blogger, writer, and all-round Apple content creator. Rene is the former executive editor of iMore, a founding member of video streaming service Nebula, and has been a prominent voice in the Apple space for over a decade. Business Insider has said that Rene is one of the top 100 most influential tech people on Twitter, one of the top 25 Gadget Gurus, and one of the 15 most important Apple analysts and writers.

Listen to ‌The MacRumors Show‌ via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Castro, Google Podcasts, or subscribe by copying our RSS feed directly into your podcast player. You can also watch a video version of the podcast on our YouTube channel. If you haven't already listened to the last episode of The MacRumors Show, be sure to catch up for an in-depth discussion about everything Apple announced at its spring event.

Subscribe to ‌The MacRumors Show‌ for more episodes, where we discuss some of the topical news breaking here on MacRumors, often joined by exciting guests, such as Mark Gurman, Jon Prosser, and Andru Edwards. Remember to rate and review the show, and let us know what subjects you would like the podcast to cover going forward.

Top Rated Comments

Absrnd Avatar
23 months ago
What has to be said, that has not already be said ad nauseam ?

Every tiny tidbit gets blown into a major controversy, just to create clicks/income for the youtubers.
there is no longer a real objective view of newly released tech, it is al just clickbait :(
Score: 21 Votes (Like | Disagree)
turbineseaplane Avatar
23 months ago

Wow, someone who actually knows what's up. You are correct, he's one of the best. The characterizations I'm seeing here are people repeating what they heard other people say, because if they actually paid attention to the information he shares, it's always technically correct. Don't like his delivery? Listen to the podcast, don't watch the Youtube video. That's what I do.
pfft -- please

Rene is so far in the bag for Apple he can't even see daylight out the top
Score: 17 Votes (Like | Disagree)
Cashmonee Avatar
23 months ago

Wow, someone who actually knows what's up. You are correct, he's one of the best. The characterizations I'm seeing here are people repeating what they heard other people say, because if they actually paid attention to the information he shares, it's always technically correct. Don't like his delivery? Listen to the podcast, don't watch the Youtube video. That's what I do.
As a relatively regular MacBreak Weekly listener I can assure you Rene will never say anything bad about Apple. He always has some explanation for any missteps or embarrassments. He even covered for Apple during the 2016 MacBook Pro keyboard debacle. He is anything but impartial.
Score: 16 Votes (Like | Disagree)
satchmo Avatar
23 months ago
Many successful Apple journalists, YouTubers, pundits etc…have become so because they know who butters their toast.

You don’t get advance products to review or invited to private showings if you say something negative towards Apple. These perks mean exclusive videos on their channel which equates to greater viewership and revenue.
Score: 15 Votes (Like | Disagree)
t122648 Avatar
23 months ago
I believe Rene is an honest upright reviewer. I also believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus.
Score: 11 Votes (Like | Disagree)
44267547 Avatar
23 months ago
Rene Ritchie, he’s a pretty balanced and fair guy. That’s a good pick for the podcast.
Score: 9 Votes (Like | Disagree)

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