Apple's Infinite Loop Store Permanently Closing Next Month

Apple today confirmed that it will be permanently closing its Infinite Loop retail store in Cupertino, California on January 20. Infinite Loop served as Apple's headquarters between the mid-1990s and 2017, when its current Apple Park headquarters opened a few miles away.

Apple Infinite Loop Store
Apple will be offering all employees at the store the opportunity to continue working with the company. A source informed us that at least some employees will be able to relocate to nearby stores, including the Apple Park Visitor Center and Apple Valley Fair.

"After many years of serving customers at our stores in the Bay Area, we plan to close our store at Infinite Loop," an Apple spokesperson said, in a statement shared with MacRumors. "All of our valued team members will have the opportunity to continue their roles with Apple. We look forward to welcoming our customers at our nearby Apple Park Visitor Center and other locations, on, and the Apple Store app."

Apple is also permanently closing its Royal Hawaiian store in Honolulu on January 20. Apple said it remains committed to "providing an excellent experience for our customers," and noted it has opened new stores this year in the U.S., China, India, South Korea, and the U.K., plus expanded its online store to Chile and Vietnam.

The offices at the Infinite Loop campus will continue to be used by Apple's corporate employees, with only the store closing. The main building's atrium is under construction until early 2024, according to a sign posted outside the entrance.

The store first opened in 1993 as The Company Store, and it focused primarily on selling Apple-branded merchandise. Following renovations in 2015, it reopened as a more traditional Apple retail store, with products like the iPhone, Mac, and Apple Watch displayed on beige tables, but it continued to sell a limited selection of merchandise, like t-shirts, reusable bottles, mugs, and notebooks. The store is one of Apple's smaller locations, and it does not offer Genius Bar appointments or "Today at Apple" creative sessions.

Infinite Loop is a popular attraction for Apple enthusiasts, who often make the pilgrimage to the campus and the store. However, it has been overshadowed by the Apple Park Visitor Center since that location opened in 2017.

A different collection of Apple-branded merchandise is available for purchase at the Apple Park Visitor Center, and the location also serves as a traditional Apple retail store. Other features at the Visitor Center include a Caffè Macs coffee bar, a rooftop patio with a seating area, and a large AR model of the Apple Park campus.

Top Rated Comments

Realityck Avatar
1 week ago

Apple today confirmed that it will be permanently closing its Infinite Loop retail store ('') in Cupertino, California on January 20. Infinite Loop served as Apple's headquarters between 1993 and 2017, when its current Apple Park headquarters opened a few miles away.
I been expecting this. This older store on the original headquarters campus is fairly small. It's wide but not very deep. The much larger Apple Park store couple of miles away just has much more parking and can be used in several ways. It is also a visitor center. Has some underground parking.

The infinite Loop HQ store that is closing

Apple Park Store

Apple Park Visitor Center next to store
Score: 19 Votes (Like | Disagree)
DMG35 Avatar
1 week ago
Man I would have loved to visit that piece of history.
Score: 17 Votes (Like | Disagree)
flottenheimer Avatar
1 week ago
Apple Store in Copenhagen, Denmark, wanted!
Score: 14 Votes (Like | Disagree)
ultrafiel80 Avatar
1 week ago
I happened to visit this store recently. It was quite small, but there was exclusive Apple-branded merchandise not found elsewhere (mugs, water bottles, notepads, pens, shirts). Wonder if some of those will become available at Apple Park Visitor Center, or if that is the end of it.
Score: 11 Votes (Like | Disagree)
trusso Avatar
1 week ago
All to save a line or two on a spreadsheet.
Score: 9 Votes (Like | Disagree)
docbop Avatar
1 week ago
I used to work for Borland down in Scotts Valley and on weekends my friends and I would drive up to Silicon Valley for our "Geek Road Trips" and hit Computer Literacy books and the original Fry's for computer parts and other geeky stores. Sometimes we'd go to Apple Infinite Loop headquarters they had a tiny Computer Literacy bookstore and then the Apple shop for clothes and other Apple swag. The coolest part was on the lawn areas around the building they had like six foot tall icons from the early Macs. It was fun going there.
Score: 9 Votes (Like | Disagree)

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