The MacRumors Show: John Gruber Talks macOS Ventura and Upcoming Macs

John Gruber joins us this week on The MacRumors Show podcast to discuss the key features of macOS Ventura and upcoming Mac models.

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John is a technology blogger, UI designer, and the inventor of Markdown. He has written for his Apple and technology-focused blog, Daring Fireball, since 2002, and hosts The Talk Show Podcast, which has featured high-profile guests from Apple such as Phil Schiller, Eddy Cue, and Craig Federighi. See John's work on and follow him on Twitter @gruber.

In this episode, we take a closer look at new features in macOS Ventura like Stage Manager, Continuity Camera, and the redesigned System Settings app. We discuss the current state of the Mac lineup and our favorite models, whether the launch of new Mac models is delayed, and upgrades from next-generation MacBook Pro models. With Apple now passing the initial timeframe it set out to transition the entire Mac lineup to Apple silicon, we also take a look at what to expect from the upcoming Mac Pro.

Listen to The MacRumors Show using apps like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Castro, Google Podcasts, or subscribe by copying our RSS feed directly into your podcast player. You can also watch a video version of the podcast on the MacRumors YouTube channel.

If you haven't already listened to the last episode of The MacRumors Show, be sure to catch up for a deep dive into iPadOS 16 and ‌Stage Manager‌ with Federico Viticci.

Subscribe to ‌The MacRumors Show‌ for more episodes, where we discuss some of the topical news breaking here on MacRumors, often joined by exciting guests like Sara Dietschy, Luke Miani, Sam Kohl, Thomas Frank, Jonathan Morrison, iJustine, Ross Young, Ian Zelbo, Jon Rettinger, Rene Ritchie, Andru Edwards, Jon Prosser, and Mark Gurman. Remember to rate and review the show, and let us know what subjects you would like the podcast to cover in the future.

Top Rated Comments

Mr. Dee Avatar
15 months ago
Gruber has seemed to lost credibility in the Apple community. He took the over enthusiasm for Apple a little too far and didn't sometimes take of the rose colored glasses when Apple made mistakes. Its like the company can't do not wrong in his eyes. Didn't know Steve Jobs quoting you once could go to someone's head so easily.
Score: 9 Votes (Like | Disagree)
Thunderstrike76 Avatar
15 months ago
John Gruber?! I for sure will not be listening to this hack. He used to be really good to listen to.
Score: 8 Votes (Like | Disagree)
danakin Avatar
15 months ago
Gruber is on the same “not willing to risk brain damage by listening to this moron” list as:
iJustine - vacuous to the nth degree
Rene Ritchie - peak sycophantic banality
I usually listen to the podcast but pass when these folks are on. Max Tech would also make the moron list.
Score: 7 Votes (Like | Disagree)
twdawson Avatar
15 months ago
I normally listen to this but not this time with that guy on it.
Score: 6 Votes (Like | Disagree)
turbineseaplane Avatar
15 months ago

Gruber has seemed to lost credibility in the Apple community. He took the over enthusiasm for Apple a little too far and didn't sometimes take of the rose colored glasses when Apple made mistakes. Its like the company can't do not wrong in his eyes. Didn't know Steve Jobs quoting you once could go to someone's head so easily.
That's the problem in a nutshell (bold emphasis mine)

A few years ago now I finally unsubscribed from everything of his, everywhere (social, pods, etc)...after over a decade of following him. It bummed me out honestly, but I realized how little I was getting out of listening to him anymore.

He gets referenced as though he's an "analyst", but he's a pretty biased fan of Apple in all honesty.
If you just want very very pro-Apple slant on things, he's a perfect person to deliver it
Score: 6 Votes (Like | Disagree)
Naraxus Avatar
15 months ago

Lol so many haters in these comments. Its almost like if you don't constantly add skepticism to every single thing you say you immediately become the target of comment warriors everywhere.
No. It's the fact that he never calls out Apple for anything that's the problem. No matter how big the issue is, if it involves Apple, Gruber will go to any lengths he can to minimize it or pretend it doesn't exsist.

He and Rene Richie are two peas in the same pod.
Score: 4 Votes (Like | Disagree)

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