The MacRumors Show: Christopher Lawley Talks iPadOS 17 and Next-Gen iPad Pro

On this week's episode of The MacRumors Show, Christopher Lawley joins us to discuss iPadOS 17 and the next-generation iPad Pro.

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Christopher is a YouTuber dedicated to the iPad, automation, and productivity. He was a full-time ‌iPad‌ user for several years, conducting all of his content creation, including video editing and podcasting, from the device, before feeling forced to switch back to the Mac due to the direction of iPadOS.

We get his insights on Apple's upcoming ‌iPadOS 17‌ update and the areas he feels Apple should focus on this year, with particular attention to some of the key issues he believes Apple needs to address with Stage Manager. We also touch on the need for "Pro" apps like Final Cut Pro and Xcode, a Notification Center and Control Center redesign, Lock Screen customization, and more.

In addition, we talk through some of the most important information around the next-generation ‌iPad Pro‌ models, which are rumored to sport 11.1-inch and 13-inch OLED displays, thinner and lighter designs, the M3 chip, and wireless charging. We also briefly discuss the rumored price rises that are planned for the device owing to its more costly OLED display components – meaning that the 11.1- and 13-inch models could start at approximately $1,500 and $1,800, respectively.

As usual, we look at some of the week's biggest rumors, including the iPhone 15 Pro's slimmer bezels and new mute button, as well as the delay of Apple's first HomePod with a display. See more of Christopher's work on his YouTube channel and follow him on Mastodon @ChrisLawley.

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If you haven't already listened to the previous episode of The MacRumors Show, catch up for our discussion about some of the key health and fitness features rumored to come to future AirPods models.

Subscribe to ‌The MacRumors Show‌ for more episodes, where we discuss some of the topical news breaking here on MacRumors, often joined by exciting guests like Frank McShan, David Lewis, Andru Edwards, Tyler Stalman, Jon Prosser, Sam Kohl, Quinn Nelson, John Gruber, Federico Viticci, Sara Dietschy, Luke Miani, Thomas Frank, Jonathan Morrison, iJustine, Ross Young, Ian Zelbo, Jon Rettinger, Rene Ritchie, and Mark Gurman. You can also head over to The MacRumors Show forum thread to engage with us directly. Remember to rate and review the show, and let us know what subjects you would like the podcast to cover in the future.

Top Rated Comments

JWD Avatar
10 months ago
Aren't you getting tired of this crap?
Score: 9 Votes (Like | Disagree)
JCCL Avatar
10 months ago
1500 starting price for a computing device without multi-tasking capability? Hope that rumor is off otherwise this will probably be DOA
Score: 7 Votes (Like | Disagree)
TheYayAreaLiving ?️ Avatar
10 months ago
iPad OS needs to be revamped! In addition, I really want Apple to release a 16" iPad Pro.
Score: 7 Votes (Like | Disagree)
bax2003 Avatar
10 months ago

Aren't you getting tired of this crap?
YES, big time... To be honest I'm not even sure why I'm here in the first place... maybe to check if there is someone else with this opinion.... I mean 15 minutes brainstorming about position of the button... But as I'm sure you know, they'll keep making these as long as we keep clicking...
Score: 7 Votes (Like | Disagree)
ApplesAreSweet&Sour Avatar
10 months ago

YES, big time... To be honest I'm not even sure why I'm here in the first place... maybe to check if there is someone else with this opinion.... I mean 15 minutes brainstorming about position of the button... But as I'm sure you know, they'll keep making these as long as we keep clicking...
I’m not clicking any of these kinds of videos.

There’s no substantial leak and really no meaningful news on the next thing in iPads.

Nothing changes just because they bring on popular tech-sphere person X.

The perpetual rumor mill and hunger for new tech products is embarrassing at this point.

The video and this post and all our comments are meaningless because there’s absolutely nothing to talk about right now.

-A giant nothing burger is all it is!
Score: 5 Votes (Like | Disagree)
d5aqoëp Avatar
10 months ago
How-much-ever Apple and Tim Cook do "Chest Thumping" that iPadOS is desktop replacement, everyone and their dog knows that it is just a glorified iOS and limited in every possible way with iPad Pros costing more than entry level full fledged MBPs.
Score: 5 Votes (Like | Disagree)

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